Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Thoughts.....

Valentine’s Day is such an unusual day. Its importance varies so much from person to person. Some people see it as just a way for greeting card companies to rake in the profits; others say it’s a depressing day to them because they feel inadequate not having a romantic partner; still others say it’s ‘cheesy’; and then there are the people who look forward to this day all year because they see it as the one day of the year they finally ‘make the time’ in their busy lives to stop and show their significant other just how much they love them.

It’s important not to get too distracted with all the media hype surrounding Valentine’s Day. The day shouldn't just be about gifts – or even a romantic scenario. Valentine’s Day is about Love. Which means, this special day can be about YOU (whether you have a significant other or not)!  Think about what gifts you would like to give to yourself. A little more time for creative projects, relaxation, some quiet time alone?

Getting stressed about Valentine’s Day is such a contradiction. People get stressed about not having a significant other, or about their significant other not being good enough or not behaving a certain way. Instead of focussing on what we DON’T have in our lives, I think we need to focus on what we DO have.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, I started to wonder about the celebrated day and the very different views surrounding the rituals of love. I believe you must first and foremost fully empower yourself to stand tall in an unpredictable world - and that you can’t truly love someone until you love yourself.

We all currently possess all that we need to celebrate love. Why not use Valentine’s Day as a day to celebrate YOU. What makes your soul soar? What makes you lose track of time when you are happy? What activates your senses? Isn't it time you reactivated that hidden part of you that laughs easily, loves to play, loves to have fun and simply doesn't care what others may think? Smile, laugh out loud, dance in the rain, be authentic, skip, sing, let your hair down and eat ice cream for dinner if that makes you happy.

Whether or not you choose to acknowledge Valentine’s Day and celebrate YOU or celebrate with a special someone – have some fun, and know that you are amazing! J